Hamstrings & Hamstring Exercises
Are you looking to build your hamstrings? With our dedicated hamstring exercises you can help to build strength and in turn lessen the likelihood of injury. Why not check out the exercises now.
The following hamstring exercises will help you develop stronger hamstrings and muscles - which help with all manner of fitness workouts and sports. It may also help prevent injury provided you warm-up correctly.
The hamstrings are made up of three muscles, semitendinosus biceps, femoris and semimembranosus. These muscles all run down the back of your upper thigh. Their main function is flexion of the leg at the knee joint.
Reading the notes on strength training will give you guidelines for appropriate weight, as well as reading weight lifting techniques to establish good technique.
With hundreds of exercises and programs that include hamstrings, quads, gluts and more, netfit.co.uk offer you a great way to improve your strength and fitness whether you want to work out at home or at the gym.
» Lying Leg Curl
» Swiss Ball Hamstring Roll
» Lying Hamstring Machine
In addition to the specific exercises, why not find out more from our more general content and workouts including basic exercises and how to get fit information. Start with warm up exercises, stretches and stretching exercises and then work on fitness testing, strength training and get more ideas on exercise training from our extensive library.