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Weight Loss Programs

Want FREE weight loss programs that in 8 weeks could help you lose weight safely and tone up your body? Why not check out the following 5 pages of tips and exercises to get started.

We recommend the following as your first week's exercise program to start your 8 week weight loss! It is fairly straight-forward so read through it all including the explanantions at the bottom of the table.



Long Steady Walk, aim for 20 minute's plus, followed by good stretch. Use this time to think positively about yourself.


Upper Body Workout (1) Concentrate on good technique. Remember to read notes on strength training


Short fast walk / light jog (no more than 15 minutes) morning. Lower body (1) and abdominal workout for beginners evening.


Rest day, plan your weekend, have a good stretch. Use this time wisely; sort out any negatives within your life


Walk for 10 minutes, then first 4 exercises of the lower body session walk for a further 10 minutes then last 4 exercises on lower body 1


Swim or low impact exercise class, aim to try something new. Afternoon beginners abdominal 1 - prepare for the following week


Long walk , get some support and motivation from the people you love or care about you. Upper body 1 in the evening



The next pages focus on upper body, abs and lower body workouts, as well as weeks 2, 3 and 4 :



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