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Cool Down Stretches & Exercises

Make sure you carefully learn some cool down stretches and exercises that you use after every workout. Why? This is a great way to prevent injury and also let your muscles relax after an intense workout!

You can also try the following exercises too.

Easy - Upper Back-Leg Grab

While seated, exhale, bending forward, and hugging your thighs underneath with both arms.

Keep your feet extended out as you pull your chest down onto your thighs, keeping both knees together.

While in this position, you can also stretch your rhomboids, by aiming to pull your upper back away from you knees while still grasping your legs.
Moderate - One Arm Against the Wall

Place your forearm and biceps against a wall, keeping the arm at right angles.

Exhale, slowly turning your opposite shoulder backward, keeping the other arm firmly in contact with the wall.

Repeat this stretch both raising and lowering the walled arm, in order to work the different pectoral muscles.
Moderate - Upper Back Prayer

From a kneeling position, extend both hands out, fingers pointing forward.

Use your hands and forearms to grip the floor, as you gently ease your buttocks backward, until you feel the stretch in your upper back and shoulders.

Exhale, gently easing your chest down toward the floor.
Easy - Bicep-Wall Stretch

Place the palm, inner elbow, and shoulder of one arm against the wall.

Keeping the arm in contact with the wall, exhale and slowly turn your body around, to feel the stretch in your biceps and pectoral muscles.

Adjust the hand position either higher or lower and repeat to stretch the multiple biceps and chest muscles.
Easy - Moderate Hand Down Spine

Extend one hand down the center of your back, fingers pointing downward.

Use the other hand to grasp the elbow.

Exhale slowly, pulling gently downward on your elbow, aiming to take your fingers along your spine.
Easy - Hands Interlocked Over Head

Interlock your fingers above your head, palms facing upward.

Exhale and push your hands further above your head.

You will also feel this stretch in your shoulders.
Easy-Moderate - Lying Neck Pull

Lie on your back, with both legs bent, feet firmly flat on the floor.

Grasp the back of your head with your fingers, resting your palms on the top of your head.

Exhale, slowly pulling your chin down toward your chest, and aiming to keep your upper back in contact with the floor.


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