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Anna Hemmings

The Netfit Team are honored to be able to provide the following information from Anna Hemmings.



European & World
Marathon Canoeing Champion

Sydney Olympics Semi-Finalist
Sprint 500m Canoe Race

Personal Goals
To become world and Olympic sprint racing champion!
Proudest Moment
Standing on the top of the rostrum when I won the Marathon World Championships in 1999.
Biggest Set Back
Fortunately I haven’t had any major setbacks in my career.
When do you Train
It depends on the time of year and phase of training, but on average 10 times a week.
What Type
A combination of water and land work. In the winter more of the training is in the gym doing weight training and on the roads running. In the summer the majority is in my kayak building speed, lactate tolerance and endurance.
Exercise Tips
Train hard but also train smart. Listen to your body, it is the best indicator of when to stop and when to go through that pain barrier. 
Advice or Vice
One of my vices is that I hate losing! But I have learnt that along the journey to success you have to experience failure. Just make sure that you learn from it.

To find out more about Anna Hemmings, please visit her official website. she's worth it.


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