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One of the biggest problems with Crosstrainers, is that new users will often find that they will develop sore calf muscles. This is simply due to having the heel position on the crosstrainers foot plate, namely the heel is extended upwards throughout the exercise.  You should aim to place your heel down on the foot plate when ever you can, in order to stretch the calf muscles.

This in my opinion, only really benefits the gym, as the crosstrainer has no motor or exspensive parts to replace, unlike a treadmill or rowing machine.

When using the crosstrainer machine, it is important that you do the following.

  • Warm - up and stretch your muscles, especially your lower leg - calf muscles.

  • Place your feet centrally on the foot pedals.

  • Avoid excessive rotational movement from your waist in order to push the hand levers forward.

  • Aim for larger controlled movements, rather than a small jerking action, using your arms to help control the speed, and also assist the legs during your workout.

  • Set the resistance level to the correct setting - too easy insufficient workout - too hard and you will be straining - aim to look forward, standing tall throughout.

  • Travel in a forward motion - the way our bodies are designed to travel, excessive speed travelling backwards carries the risk of hamstring muscle injuries.

  • Have a towel and water bottle close by.

Always wipe any sweat off the crosstrainer to help prolong the life of it, taking in fluid regularly to help your body function throughout your workout.

Focus on stretching the calf muscles once you have finished using the crosstrainer, and all your muscles after your workout.

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