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Nutrition Program

If you're looking for a nutrition program for either a healthier balanced diet or just to change the way you eat, then maybe we can help. With a quick run down of all key nutrition program and plan components, we provide a simple introduction for you.

This section outlines the foundation of all successful nutrition programs and is great for healthy eating and a balanced diet program. Quick and simple tips to help you think about the way you eat.

Refined foods are stripped of their mineral content, and laced with artificial additives and sugars, all of which have been proven to be harmful for optimum health.

Avoid white flour and bread; aim to use wholemeal bread and flour, oatcakes, rice cakes and pumpernickel.

Avoid white rice; use brown rice, millet, buckwheat, bulgur wheat, couscous, and oats.

Avoid sugar sweets, cakes and biscuits, use fruits, either natural or dried.

Instant processed meals, should be avoided, aim for meals made from fresh natural ingredients, ideally from foods in season.


Milk and cheese are good sources of calcium, unfortunately they lack magnesium, which is required by the body to utilize the calcium. High dairy consumption has been linked with heart disease, and perhaps surprisingly calcium deficiency.

Reduce your milk and cheese intake, and swap it for low fat cheese, quark, live organic yogurt, soya cheese, and tofu. Try and avoid consuming more than 3 eggs per week, soya flour can be used as a good substitute in some recipes.


Red meats have been linked to diseases in the gut, as well as high levels of saturated fat. Fish contains high levels of essential fatty acids, that protect against many diseases, namely heart disease.

White meats and fish, especially herrings, mackerel, salmon and sardines are good choices.


Low in calories and high in important vitamins, minerals and water these items should be consumed regularly, especially vegetables, ideally organic. Raw foods have shown to improve energy, vitality and well being. Aim to slowly implement them into your diet, as too quick a change, can result in problems with your digestive system.


Required by the body for optimum health, from cold pressed oils, (safflower, walnut, olive and sunflower) or nuts, seeds, avocados and fish oils.

Avoid heat treated oils and margarine's, especially hydrogenated oils.


Maintaining a high intake of fluid is vital. Popular drinks such as tea, coffee and sugary drinks all have an adverse effect on your health. Aim to consume herb teas, diluted fruit juices and natural spring water.

As well as our basic introduction above, we offer some related pages of content as well as below some related articles to help you. This includes, food facts, nutrition for sport and a rundown on healthy foods.

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