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Training with Partners

Are you looking to train without equipment and either with a gym or fitness buddy to help you? There's lots of ways you can workout with no training equipment, so why not check out our quick guide now.

You can switch between exercises with your fitness buddy to mix it up a bit, just remember to keep track of the training exercises you have completed.

Bench Press

Biceps / Triceps

Lateral Pull down

Lie on your back with your palms touching with your partner. Start with your elbows out to your side, and then push your hands up straight. Relax under control then repeat.

Stand facing your partner with your palms touching. Keeping your elbows tucked into your side aim to bring your hands up to work your biceps, and down to work your triceps.

Lie on your back, with your elbows pointing up towards the ceiling. Your partner should hold around your elbows, and prevent you pulling your elbows towards your side.

Beginners 10 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 12 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 12 Reps - 3 Sets

Beginners 8 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 10 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 8 Reps - 3 Sets

Beginners 10 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 8 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 12 Reps - 2 Sets

Lateral Raise Gluts and Hamstrings Hamstrings

Standing with your arms down by your side, aim to lift your arms out to your side, no higher than shoulder height. Your partner should resist the movement by holding at the elbow.

Rest on your forearms and one knee. Bend one leg, at the knee so that the bottom of your foot is facing the ceiling. Aim to lift the foot up a few inches, with your partner placing resistance down on your foot.

Lay on your front, with one leg bent at the knee joint, foot up towards the ceiling.

Have your partner hold at the rear of your foot, and resists you bringing your foot towards your buttocks.

Beginners 10 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 12 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 15 Reps - 3 Sets

Beginners 8 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 10 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 8 Reps - 3 Sets

Beginners 10 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 8 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 12 Reps - 2 Sets




Stand with your arms stretched at behind you, with your partner holding underneath your hands. Aim to pull your hands towards your sides, whilst your partner offers resistance.

Lay on your front, with one leg bent at the knee joint, foot facing the ceiling.

Aim to pull the foot back down to the floor, whilst your partner resists by applying resistance on the front of your shinbone

Lay on your back with your feet in the air. Lower your knees into your chest, whilst your partner applies resistance on your feet. Under control straighten your legs, pushing up against your partner.

Beginners 10 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 10 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 15 Reps - 2 Sets

Beginners 10 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 10 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 10 Reps - 3 Sets

Beginners 8 Reps - 1 Set

Midways 10 Reps - 2 Sets

Advanced 15 Reps - 3 Sets


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