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Seasonal rhinitis or hay fever or is an allergy to the inhalation of dusts and pollen, particularly grass pollen. Inhalation of the allergens triggers the release of histamines into the blood stream, which in turn leads to the symptoms most commonly associated with hay fever: sneezing, watery eyes and nose and a burning sensation at the back of the throat.

Avoiding the allergens can prevent the onset of an attack, although this is not always practical (particularly during the summer months when the pollen count is high). Anti-histamines can help prevent and or alleviate symptoms, in addition to eye drops and steroid nasal sprays. However, the most successful treatment to date is the desensitization of the known allergen.

The individual is subjected to a solution containing a very dilute concentration of the allergen. Over the following months the concentration of the solution is increased until the sufferer is no longer affected by that particular allergen. Although, a lengthy process it has good results for most sufferers. However, for some individuals the desensitization process may have to be repeated.

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