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Pregnant Training Advice

Research shows that training while pregnant has numerous benefits, including:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, before, during and after any exercise, and avoid overheating. If your core body temperature rises, your baby has no way to cool down, so drinking fluid is vital, even when swimming, when you might not realize that you're sweating.
  • Be sure to always warm-up and cool down – gentle stretching, and relaxation breathing are perfect at the end of a session.
  • If you are used to exercising regularly, it’s better to remain consistent throughout your pregnancy. However, for those who don’t normally exercise, beginning an exercise program after more than 26 weeks of your pregnancy is not recommended.
  • Avoid any exercise that may cause you to lose your balance, such as skiing or basketball. This becomes particularly crucial in the third trimester. Ensure that any walking or outdoor activity is on flat, even ground.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing, a good support bra, and comfortable non slip supportive shoes.
  • Past the first trimester, avoid exercising flat on your back – the weight of your uterus reduces the blood and oxygen flow to your baby.
  • During aerobic exercise, you will find that you have less oxygen available, so lower the intensity of your normal routine. Monitor your heart rate regularly to avoid exercising to exhaustion, and slow down if you can't hold a conversation comfortably.
  • Stop exercising immediately if you have any of the following; vaginal bleeding or fluid leaking, contractions, light-headed or feeling faint, shortness of breath, dizziness or nausea.
  • Avoid bouncing and jerking exercises, and deep knee bends, as your joints are more prone to injury – during pregnancy the body releases the hormone relaxin, which softens ligaments and tendons to allow your pelvic bones to spread for the birth of your baby.
  • Your metabolism speeds up during pregnancy, so remember to eat a well balanced diet with an additional 300 calories a day.

The following page will give some exercise advice, but its always best to consult with your Doctor or Health Visitor throughout.

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